< My Profile

Faisal Rahman

Software Developer with expertise in React, Node.js, JavaScript, AEM, Java, and various Javascript frameworks. I thrive on the challenge of transforming complex problems into elegant, high-performance web applications. My work is focused on building responsive and accessible user interfaces that deliver an exceptional user experience.


Software Developer - Frontend

  • Developed a scalable portal for employees to help them investing in private equity funds using NextJS, Redux Toolkit and Material UI. Total investments increased by 30% towards the funds which were listed on the web-app.
  • Contributed towards developing front-end design system(Generic Component Library) and deployed it as private NPM package, which is being used in multiple other projects leading to decrease in development efforts and project delivery dates.
  • Designed the Front-end applications, and Mobile Application for user interactive (UI) web pages using web technologies like Typescript, ReactJS, Redux Toolkit and Redux Saga and for unit testing used Jest and Enzyme.
  • Optimized the build process by configuring and managing bundlers like Webpack and Vite, resulting in a 20% reduction in application load times and improved developer productivity through faster build times and hot module replacement.
  • Conducted code reviews, mentored junior developers, and promoted best practices to maintain code quality and consistency.
May 2021 - Present

AEM Developer

Cognizant Technology Solutions
  • Developed the blueprints, editable templates, components and pages in AEM. This helped the client to create 70+ websites using drag and drop of components into pages.
  • Developed/deployed custom OSGI bundles for adding more features.
  • Created servlets and model classes in Java to process the inbound JSON and send the processed JSON to front-end.
  • Collaborated with the product owner in the assessment of requirements regarding AEM architecture, technologies, internal interfaces or connections to third-party systems.
October 2018 - May 2021


Programming Languages



COVID-19 Tracker | ReactJs, Javascript

This is a desktop as well as mobile friendly user interface which will provide the user with covid related information such as fatality rate, recovery rate and current cases of the selected country.

Wordle | ReactJs, Typescript

This is a simple word game which lets you guess a 5 letter word in 6 chances. It can be played in different devices PC, mobile as well as in ipads.


Apart from being a web developer, I enjoy my time off the computer screen visiting new places. I am more of a mountain person than a beach person. Recently I have developed a keen attraction towards health & fitness .

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the web development world.